Mostly I wanted to share cute kitten pics, this has nothing to do with the relationship timeline
Important to note that they predated Pawel
Honestly there's no picture here due to the aforementioned "running away" situation
No actual evidence of the "friends" giving but here's an unrelated picture of a turkey
No apologies, I maintain this saved you from the uncles
Pawel forgets to mention how many strangers would also be coming on this trip.
Kristin pretends to like camping (in 30 degree weather).
Pawel forgets to mention a lot of things about this trip, like the freezing weather and the casual pit stop to watch the Indian Wells tennis tournament
She does eventually visit and proceeds to cut up Pawel's favorite sweatshirt in an attempt to make it look "cool"
Pawel's parents were in town taking care of him! I didn't want to invade!
I also learned that whatever he says while on percocet is not to be trusted, hence the loss of sweatshirt
Yes, this decision was partially influenced by Pawel's unhealthy competitive nature
Let's move on
Unofficially Pawel may have moved in a couple of months earlier under the guise of his "lease being up" and being "homeless"
😢 RIP Chad (my previous, much beloved car)
Actually if anyone asks she was in Germany as a "tourist"
Pawel immediately gets injured making the whole travel thing a bit more difficult
Everyone be impressed with that tetris job 👀
Also with my aim here 😂
Lots of time in NJ
A good amount of travel
Couple of surgeries (Kris shows up to these!)
A very stressful period of job searching
Kris learns how to drive a 26 foot truck, Pawel is responsible for snacks
Pawel is also responsible for panicking every time a car passes us on the highway 😜
Also potentially their last 14er
Who needs oxygen anyways
Toddlers cause chaos
Kristin surprised that Pawel would propose in the snow and cold, both of which are her nightmare